• Property Tax Collection Remedies Beyond the Machinery Act

    Updated: 2011-04-28 19:05:51
    Local governments are always looking for creative ways to collect their taxes.  While the pillory pictured here would be pretty darn effective, I can’t recommend it on legal or moral grounds.  But plenty of more acceptable options exist beyond those that are explicitly referenced in the Machinery Act. Durham County, for example, uses a super-cool [...]

  • State Ethics and Lobbying Laws – When Do They Apply to Local Government Lobbying?

    Updated: 2011-04-27 16:06:40
    Two related chapters in the North Carolina General Statutes govern the spending of money to influence state officials.  The State Government Ethics Act (G.S. Chapter 138A) sets ethical standards for the state officials themselves, and the lobbying laws (G.S. Chapter 120C) govern interactions between these officials and those who seek to influence their decision-making – in [...]

  • What Eric did in the Easter holidays

    Updated: 2011-04-26 23:57:02

  • Coates’ Canons Compilation

    Updated: 2011-04-25 14:40:02
    Are you a Coates’ Canons addict? Do you find yourself logging on in the middle of the night hoping to be the first to read yet another internet sweepstakes post? Do you now dread weekends because they stand between you and more scintillating analysis of local government debt financing?  Okay, maybe not.  But hopefully you’ve found our blog to [...]

  • Disconnecting Utility Services for Non-Utility Fee (and Tax) Delinquencies

    Updated: 2011-04-22 19:17:28
    BlueSky Town resident, Dell Linquent, has fallen on tough times. She lost her job several months ago and is having trouble keeping up with all her bills. Dell owes $44 in annual licensing fees to BlueSky for her two dogs. She owes $130 in property taxes on her car to Carolina County and a $5 [...]

  • Shapps says Conservatives councils showing the way with innovative savings

    Updated: 2011-04-22 07:33:49

  • Labour councillors declared as opposing AV nearly doubles to over 700

    Updated: 2011-04-21 15:08:54

  • Few Conservative council candidates in Northern Ireland

    Updated: 2011-04-21 06:59:05

  • Local Tax Legislation Round-Up

    Updated: 2011-04-14 12:53:48
    Just like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get from the General Assembly.  The current legislative session is only a couple of months old and already we’ve gotten booze-filled chocolates, an official herring festival, and maybe even our very own North Carolina currency. (In the spirit of bi-partisanship, I’m pulling for [...]

  • Rejecting Bids – Who Can and When Can They?

    Updated: 2011-04-13 23:07:27
    Pauline Purchaser has advertised a contract and is pleased by the number of bids she’s received.  When she opens the bids, much to her dismay, she discovers that all are way over budget.  As Pauline regroups to figure out what went wrong, she realizes there was a flaw in the specifications.  She decides to reject [...]

  • Can a City Really Zone Land Outside the City?

    Updated: 2011-04-12 20:56:11
     Frank Graham inherited a 600-acre wooded tract located about a half mile outside a small town in rural North Carolina. With the economy turning around he is considering moving forward with development of the tract. He has been thinking a residential subdivision and shopping center would fit nicely on this tract. He thinks a portion [...]

  • Required Municipal Services

    Updated: 2011-04-08 03:25:46
    If you live in a North Carolina municipality (city, town, village), what services is your municipal government required to provide or what functions is it required to serve? Is your municipality required to collect your garbage? Must it establish zoning regulations? How about maintain streets or provide street lighting? Abate nuisances? Provide recreation services? Is [...]

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